Contact Us
Phone number:
222 Somerset Street West, #404, Ottawa ON
Canada, K2P 2G3
Our staff and volunteers work to get back to all email inquiries and voice messages within two business days.
Options Line
General Contact
Virtual Programming!
Due to the ongoing pandemic, all of our programming is still being offered virtually. However, if you’re interested in picking up sexual health supplies (like condoms, dental dams, pregnancy tests or prenatal vitamins), contact us to make arrangements for a pick-up!
Seeking information or support around a sexual and reproductive health issue?
We provide support over phone calls and emails through our Options line. We monitor the options line Monday to Friday from 10am – 2pm.
If you are looking to contact a specific staff member or the board, please visit our Staff & Board Members page.
For specific inquiries…
Volunteer inquiries:
Education inquiries:
Sexual Health Options:
Board of Directors: